UCU Foundation Impact Report Design
Print Design

Ukrainian Catholic University Foundation (UCU Foundation), based in Chicago, supports Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) in Lviv, Ukraine. Trillion initially clarified the organization’s purpose with a new name, refocused messaging, and new brand identity, and has since executed a segmented marketing strategy to raise brand awareness and engage new supporters.
As a culminating activity for the Foundation’s most successful year ever of fundraising, Trillion planned, designed and wrote the Foundation’s inaugural impact report. The impact report highlights the important connection of how donors in America make a direct impact on the education of UCU students in Ukraine. It uses a modern editorial style, highlights donor stories, and features student achievements and successes of the University. The new impact report design also provides areas to highlight endowments created and estate gifts that have been realized. It will serve as an important new tool for the fundraising team. It illustrates the impact that the Foundation has on the university annually, thanks donors for their support, and inspires future giving from their donor base.