Learn how nonprofits can save on postage with a USPS Nonprofit Postage Authorization Number. Discover eligibility, application steps, and mailing benefits.
Learn how nonprofits can save on postage with a USPS Nonprofit Postage Authorization Number. Discover eligibility, application steps, and mailing benefits.
It’s all in the outer envelope! Trillion has made the creativity of the outer envelope design a constant focus on behalf of our nonprofit clients. We design them to be simple, memorable and relevant so they are more likely to be opened. Here are examples.
A poorly prepared and executed appeal campaign will greatly impact a non-profit organization’s fund-raising revenue. Here is a list that will help increase your chances of having a successful annual appeal campaign.
It’s no surprise that year-end fundraising appeals are so important for non-profit organizations. According to Network For Good, thirty-one percent of annual giving occurs in December with 10 percent happening in the last three days of the year!
As a graphic design company that creates fund-raising appeals for nonprofit organizations, we hear a familiar complaint from nonprofits when they first approach us: they pay too much for postage.
An impactful spring appeal design can be one of the most important drivers of the success of your fundraising efforts, whether you use print or go digital. The fact is, if the visual appeal is not attention grabbing, it will be overlooked and few will ever read your important messaging.
Many marketing efforts have moved to digital platforms, where every microscopic movement is trackable and sometimes even recorded for future playback. Print communications were traditionally more difficult to track. Not anymore.
Every Door Direct Mail is a program that the USPS launched a few years ago which allows businesses to send promotional mailings, postcards, flyers and brochures, within a tightly defined area at a reduced cost an excellent marketing tool for hyperlocal retail stores, community organizations, and restaurants.
Direct mail can be an excellent addition to your marketing mix. Read on for six useful direct mail design tips for more effective direct mail pieces.