When it comes to hiring a team to design and build your next website, it helps to understand the differences in the tasks performed by the web designer and the web developer.
When it comes to hiring a team to design and build your next website, it helps to understand the differences in the tasks performed by the web designer and the web developer.
Here’s a list of important telltale signs that a website redesign is due for your business. It’s amazing how many business owners and executives ignore these signs.
A step by step look into the website development process: Website architecture, design & content development, website development, QA & testing and launch.
Working to tone your body to look and feel better in preparation for the summer months is nothing new; but have you considered toning up your website at the same time? The slow months of summer is an excellent time to revisit your website and refining its look, links, navigation and SEO-worthiness.
Preparation is key when meeting with a graphic designer to design your website. Here’s what you can do to make the process efficient and successful.
A responsive website automatically adjusts the layout of its content to fit all the different screen sizes that today’s smartphones and tablets offer. With a responsive site, your content will become more easily navigable and user-friendly for your site’s visitors, providing a great experience on any device your customers are using.
Bravo Slate magazine! Last month, Farhad Manjoo so eloquently pointed out that restaurant websites are so horribly out of touch with what a customer is looking for on their website. We have been wondering about this ourselves lately… and have created a top three list of the most annoying features you could have on a restaurant website.