Are you taking advantage of the tremendous marketing possibilities of your email signature? With the right setup, your email signature will not only allow others to quickly find your contact information, it can even increase traffic to your website and become the newest component of your marketing strategy.

I know that I sound like an overly enthusiastic infomercial pitchman here but it’s true—with these simple steps, you too can be enjoying increased website traffic… for FREE! Here’s how:

A good email signature starts with a strategic statement or “teaser” headline above your contact information. You make this text a hyperlink pointing to the relevant page on your website. Think of this as the easiest way to get people you know to visit your website.

When we implemented this practice in our emails, we saw more than a 300% increase in visits…

Generally, your email signature contact information will remain the same over time, but the “teaser” link mentioned above should change according to the latest and greatest things happening with your business or brand. The links lead readers to the appropriate page on your website where they should be learning more about your product, service or recent news. When we implemented this practice in our emails, we saw more than a 300% increase in visits to those linked pages.

Here is an Email Signature Structure Trillion Recommends:

Create a teaser line about your latest news/product information and make it a clickable link that’s directed to a specific URL on your website.

Have you heard of our new product that is taking the world by storm?

Company Name
Mailing Address
City, State Zip

Company Website

Using your email signature as a marketing tool may sound surprisingly simple but so few actually implement this. Consider that many people send and receive almost 200 emails per day on average, it’s a no brainer. Larger businesses can benefit greatly by these numbers but even small businesses can increase traffic to their website when a clickable link is added to their email. Each email adds exposure which in turn leads to potentially more traffic to your website, which in turn can lead to more opportunity.

However, it is important to change the link regularly and have the signature automatically placed into your emails. If you have more than one interesting thing going on, you can set up a few signatures and have them randomly inserted (using Mac Mail) or utilize Canned Responses in Gmail for a manually inserted signature.

Advanced Trackability of Your Email Signature

If you are very serious about your marketing strategy and quantifying all of your efforts, take things a step further by using Google Analytics Tag Manager. This free tool helps generate unique URLs that can be tracked back to your specific email signature. The unique URLs allow your website traffic to be viewed in Google Analytics and see only the website statistics that were generated through your email signature.

Remember, even if the recipient doesn’t always click on your link, your contact information will be easily accessible to them. That alone can prove to be very convenient and valuable to your clients and prospects. If you have any questions about using your email signature as a marketing tool and how we can integrate it into a marketing strategy, give us a ring at 908.219.4703.