Cooke School and Institute Oversized Appeal Self-Mailer
Brand Strategy & Brand Development

Cooke School and Institute is a private school located in New York City educating students with diverse developmental disabilities and backgrounds, from early childhood through young adulthood. The school envisions a world in which all people with disabilities are included as valued members of their communities, leading independent and purposeful lives.
Cooke School reached out to Trillion to make their appeal mailing stand out in a big way. We created an oversized trifold self-mailer to educate recipients about what their donation can do for the students of the school, highlight their approach to education, and showcase a video testimonial from parents of a student at Cooke. We included a personalized reply card and envelope to make donating convenient.
This was a very different format from any other appeal mailing they had ever done. We had recently designed a calendar for their school year, so for the look and feel, we applied that design to this mailing to keep things unified. We used circles to create an exciting and dynamic layout and incorporated large photos of smiling students along with the Cooke School branded color palette of greens and blues. The typography uses a bouncy script typeface to mimic the circles and “bounce” of the Cooke School logo, along with the clean sans serif Montserrat. The feeling was energetic and life-affirming.
We included two QR codes on the self-mailer, one linked to a video about the school, and one that enabled easy donations on your phone.