As we finish up another year of blogging at Trillion, we wanted to share our list of top blog posts about graphic design, branding, and website/digital. You’ll notice we frequently use the Rule of Three and provide three examples to make sure the learning sticks.
On Website/Digital Topics:

3 of the Easiest Ways to Improve the Value of Your Web Presence
Our world is all about the need for instant gratification. This quick read will fulfill that need and offer ways to improve the value of your web presence. Websites are more complex than ever but with proper planning, they are able to generate significant revenue as well as new business opportunities for savvy companies.
The first tip I recommend can be accomplished in minutes, while the others will require a bit more time. What are you waiting for? Get started improving the value of your web presence.

Day-to-Day Email Tips You Must Use Right Now
The blog included tips to help you maximize your potential opportunities when sending emails—and you can achieve some within minutes. Readers were buzzing about these tips as soon as this article went live.

Leading Your Website to a Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow
Marketing professionals or business executives constantly strive to increase the ROI of their website. But there are some who hope to get lucky and gain a million visitors, convert them to customers, and then enjoy the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It’s just not that simple.
In this article, we talk about improving your website’s performance and take a look at the kinds of things that will have you thanking your lucky stars that you read this.
On Branding Topics:

3 Efficient Ways to Provide Feedback/Edits to Your Graphic Designer
In this article, Jess discusses the top methods you can use for providing feedback on your latest creative project with your graphic designer or creative agency. We’ve seen it all, and there are pros and cons for each method she discusses. Which method do you prefer?

What Makes One Logo Design Better than Another?
Once you start the logo design process, it’s likely that you will need to make a decision between two or more options. So how do you decide between one logo over another? Choosing the best logo design for your company can be a challenging decision to make. This short article aims to provide some guidance to help you make the most informed decision in selecting a logo design that will stand the test of time.

3 Signs It’s Time to Worry About Your Logo
There are several factors you should consider to determine how your logo represents your brand to prospects and clients. For example, your company was a smaller operation when you founded it, and you didn’t have the funds to invest in a professionally designed logo. Or, perhaps your logo hasn’t kept up with the growth of your organization. As this blog suggests, these are all telltale signs that it might be time to put that old logo to bed and think ahead to a refresh.

3 Reasons You May Need a Brand Refresh
If you’re wondering what signs to look for to determine if you’re in need of a brand refresh, this popular article talks about three common reasons that we hear from our clients.
Making the decision to refresh your brand takes courage. For some executives and business owners, holding on to past successes can lead to a brand that is no longer relevant. As organizations grow and evolve over time, so do the communications strategies that shape how their brands are received by the public. After all, you wouldn’t want your competitors to acquire more of your customers, right?
What were your favorite Trillion articles?
Is there a topic that you’d love to hear more about in the coming year? We want to hear from you! Send us an email or submit your thoughts or ideas through our contact form.