Many marketing efforts have moved to digital platforms, where every microscopic movement is trackable and sometimes even recorded for future playback. Print communications were traditionally more difficult to track. Not anymore.
Many articles have been written about why branding is important for every kind of business. Not many articles fully describe the world of hurt your business can go through if its brand is not well designed.
Writing a blog or creating a place to publish new content on your website is time consuming. Many businesses either underestimate the time commitment and expense associated with managing a blog, or question if the effort of having a blog would ever provide a return on their investment.
What is a landing page, you ask? A landing page is a specific page on your website that is designed to be the first page someone visits and is singly focused on a narrow topic, such as one product, one service or one event. If you don’t have at least one landing page on your website, it’s time to design one.
With the right setup, your email signature can increase traffic to your website and become the newest component of your marketing strategy.