Storytelling is a fundamental part of the human experience. Stories let us share in a way that creates deep emotional connections with people you may have never even met. This is why storytelling is critical to fundraising. Each of your donors has a unique experience related to giving to your organization. Sharing your donors’ personal giving stories is a great way to attract and motivate new donors especially as you approach annual fundraising.
Year-end fundraising is the final stretch in achieving your not-for-profit’s yearly financial goals. Adding a captivating donor story to your year-end marketing campaign can be the key element that encourages other donors to give. Below are some tips on how to construct a great donor story and incorporate it in a way that helps your year-end fundraising.

Union Catholic Regional High School relies on support from their dedicated alumni through fundraising efforts such as the private school annual appeal mailings that Trillion designs. To appeal to alumni, Trillion designed an adaptable outer envelope with photography of the students, vibrant messaging, and impressive stories. These stories were key for alumni seeing the impact of their donations into this school by hearing firsthand how it was beneficial.
How to Craft the Best Donor Story
The first step in creating a donor story is speaking with the donor. A donor who is passionate about your organization will often be happy to share their story. During a scheduled interview, introduce yourself, state why you’re conducting the interview, guarantee them a chance to review the final copy, and let them know that they’re being recorded (if you’re recording of course).
- You must know the right questions to ask your donors so that you’re able to create a compelling story.
- Ask general questions such as who they are, their history and involvement with the organization to make them feel comfortable.
- Invite them to describe their overall opinion about the state of the organization.
Next, you can move on to questions such as what prompted their first gift to your organization, when they first heard about your organization, and where their philanthropic spirit came from. Afterward, you should follow up with probing questions like “Walk me through..”, “Paint a picture of…”, or “How did it make you feel….” We describe these as great open-ended questions that require your donor to give longer, well-thought-out responses that can make for a more captivating story rather than static responses. These stories provide the tools and language for the development teams to engage with other donors. Finally, conclude by asking if they have any last comments they’d like to share.
Integration of Donor Stories For More Impactful Marketing and Fundraising Campaigns
There are many unique ways to incorporate donor stories into your marketing and fundraising campaigns. Trillion previously incorporated them into communications like annual reports, website redesigns, and annual appeals.
The Overlook Foundation is a client we’ve worked with to redesign their website. The foundation, dedicated to supporting the Overlook Medical Center, wanted a website that would better communicate its mission, story, and fundraising objectives to its donor community. The Stories section of the website includes a touching personal story from an Overlook beneficiary. It describes how the foundation has positively impacted their family’s ongoing history with breast cancer.
Another project Trillion worked to design is an annual report for the Congregation Beth Elohim. The synagogue wanted to compile a report that acknowledged the hardships faced during the pandemic while also highlighting the positives. Trillion utilized an enclosed gate fold brochure to tell its story. Among the gatefold was a page dedicated solely to memorable quotes and pictures pulled from congregation board members who donated to the synagogues’ emergency COVID fund.
Get Started with Your Donor Stories
Trillion loves creating annual reports, websites, and annual appeals that make a difference in not-for-profit year-end campaigning. Let’s talk about your goals and see how Trillion can help you gather, draft and utilize your powerful donor stories. Give us a call at 908.219.4703 or share some details with us in our contact form and we will follow up with you promptly.