Newark Downtown District Annual Community Report and Website Design

Newark Downtown District (NDD) is vitally and vibrantly connected to the city it serves, so its impact report needed to reflect that relationship. In addition, NDD was celebrating its 25th Anniversary and wanted to highlight the remarkable progress of the past quarter century, as well as the accomplishments of the past year.
Trillion designed the report in an elevated way, giving it a magazine look and feel with sophisticated photography and editorial content. In addition to the financial and statistical reporting, we also featured profiles of their talented staff and of influential or inspirational Newark leaders whose lives reflect the goals and successes of the NDD. Trillion helped plan and coordinate a multi-day photo shoot at several Newark locations to vividly capture the people, projects and street life that truly express the community achievements.
The city surges to life on the pages, reminding partners and donors that Newark is a great place to “Live, Labor and Leisure.”
In addition to creating the printed annual impact report, we translated all of the text, photos, and infographics into an interactive website. We took care to incorporate the small details that make the digital report look as sophisticated as it does: a bold yellow frame around photos, the elevated serif for headlines, and high-contrast areas of yellow, black, and white. The digital annual report also benefits from subtle loading animations and other micro animations that make the report come to life.
Portraits and tabletop photography by Charles David.