A capital campaign brochure plays an integral role in a non-profit’s efforts to raise funds. The brochure’s design and format can help share your story and present information in a compelling way.
A capital campaign brochure plays an integral role in a non-profit’s efforts to raise funds. The brochure’s design and format can help share your story and present information in a compelling way.
A capital campaign can be a big undertaking with many phases. From start to finish, the targeted fundraising goal may take years to plan and achieve.
QR codes have now shown themselves to be incredibly versatile tools. We’ve all grown accustomed to using them for menus in restaurants, and they can also be an easy way to bring customers to the point of sale.
We’ve been working with many of our clients to design and create templates in Canva to help with their fundraising efforts.
EOY fundraising tips so individuals become more engaged with your organization, building them from awareness to donors, to advocates.
While direct marketing is an integral part of a fundraising plan, digital marketing is a vital piece of the puzzle—and is often overlooked.
As a graphic design company that creates fund-raising appeals for nonprofit organizations, we hear a familiar complaint from nonprofits when they first approach us: they pay too much for postage.
Adding a captivating donor story to your end-of-year marketing campaign can be the key element that encourages other donors to give. Here’s how to get started.
Gathering donor data such as email addresses is a worthwhile endeavor. Here are five ways you can build your donor email list to keep them strategically informed and engaged.