YMCA Stewardship Direct Mail Campaign
Direct mail design for the YMCA that focused on local community support
CampaignDirect Mail DesignIndustries
Community & Social ServicesHealthNot for Profit & GovernmentServices
Print Design

The Madison Area YMCA located in Madison, NJ needed to spread the word about the stewardship efforts of the previous year. They wanted something impactful and different to mail to their constituents, members and community residents. Trillion designed a personalized, oversized self-mailer.
This example of direct mail design is personalized for each recipient and explains how funds were allocated throughout the YMCA and their programs. Depending upon how the recipient is connected to the YMCA, they were presented with relevant information lasered onto a pre-printed shell. The details include their name, a letter and a testimonial from people closely related to their connection to the Y. For example, parents of a child enrolled in the YMCA’s childhood development center would receive a letter focused around the children’s center as well as a testimonial from another parent.